The Anna Paulownia tree (Paulownia tomentosa) is renowned as the fastest-growing tree in the world. It reaches maturity and is ready for harvest in just 6 to 8 years, although this timeline can vary depending on the planting region. The wood of the Paulownia tree is highly resistant to bending or cracking during drying, mold-resistant, strong yet flexible, and remarkably lightweight at only 260 kg per cubic meter. At harvest, the tree yields a stump that stands 6-10 meters tall with a diameter of 30-40 cm. These unique properties make the tree highly valued across various industries, including furniture making, kitchen construction, musical instrument manufacturing, decorative items, surfboards, skis, snowboards, and even in the building of homes and yachts. Innovative chemical treatments transform the wood into a material that is 20 times stronger than concrete yet approximately 10 times lighter. Presently, Chinese construction firms are utilizing treated Paulownia wood as the primary material for building 20-story apartment complexes. The rapid growth of Paulownia also leads to substantial CO2 absorption, a vital component for the tree's development. This absorption decreases as the tree matures. At this point, the tree is harvested, the wood is sold, and a new tree is planted. Due to the prolonged storage of CO2 in its trunk, branches, and roots, the plantation qualifies for CO2 certificates, also known as carbon credits. Polluting companies buy these credits to compensate for their emissions, a compulsory measure in sectors like aviation, mining, and steel manufacturing. Additionally, many businesses and organizations in other industries voluntarily offset their CO2 emissions due to public demand.
To prevent our trees from spreading uncontrollably, we utilize lab-grown, infertile hybrids. Tailored for various climates, each plantation cultivates its unique variety that grows quickly, straight, and tall to maximize yield.
Paulownia wood is known for its lightweight properties, being four times lighter than water. This prized timber is utilized in crafting furniture, musical instruments, surfboards, kitchen cabinets, and more. When chemically treated, the wood becomes 20 times stronger than reinforced concrete, earning it the nickname "aluminum wood." This has paved the way for its use in yacht construction, aviation, and multi-story building projects.
Our Paulownia plantations span across various regions such as Turkey, Spain, Belgium, and other areas with a mild to Mediterranean climate. We typically plant 600 to 800 trees per hectare, varying the species according to the climate conditions. Paulownia thrives in almost any soil type, including sandy and lean soil.
Our innovative approaches to weed control and fertilization involves using the terrain as grazing land for sheep, goats, or chickens. This technique guarantees completely natural weed control and fertilization while also maximizing the land's potential, creating extra income throughout the growth cycle. Other plots are implementing intercropping, growing crops in between the trees. The generated revenue suffices to cover wages and other costs associated with the upkeep of the plantation.
The Paulownia tree possesses the remarkable ability to regenerate after being harvested. Mature trees are felled in the winter, the end of the growth season. Come spring, the trees produce new sprouts, from which our experts carefully select one to cultivate as the new tree. By autumn of the same year, the chosen sprout has developed into a trunk 10 cm in diameter and reaches a height of 4-5 meters.
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