Our company provides specialized support to governments, institutions, and private investors for the creation and management of Paulownia plantations, aimed at producing high-value timber and substantial CO2 sequestration. Our all-encompassing services include site selection, adherence to legal standards, obtaining necessary permits, conducting soil analysis and preparation, choosing and growing seedlings, planting, regular upkeep, generating and selling carbon credits, securing harvesting licenses, and handling the timber's processing and commercialization. We rely on skilled professionals, from within and outside our organization, to guarantee the prosperity of your investment.
Our plantations actively reclaim infertile areas, transforming them into verdant spaces where nature flourishes within just a few years. By storing CO2 in the soil, we rejuvenate it for future generations. The shade provided reduces the evaporation of moisture and creates habitats for insects, birds, and other small animals. Owing to the Paulownia's exceptionally rapid growth rate, our plantations absorb and store up to ten times more CO2 compared to native forests.
Our hybrid, non-invasive Paulownia clones mature in 6-8 years. The high-quality timber is in great demand in the construction industry, for furniture production, sports, and leisure goods, among others. Embracing a zero-waste policy, we utilize every part of the tree: leaves are used as animal fodder, while branches and sawdust are transformed into insulation boards. After harvesting, the root system regenerates, providing the next yield 6-8 years later.
We invite you to join us for coffee and a chat at our office in
Barcelona, Spain with our CEO
Juan Carlos Martin Gil +34 678 46 25 66
and the offices in Marbella, Spain & Gent, Belgium with founder
Ruben Moreel +32 471 50 00 09
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